Soulless cash grab full of gacha mechanics and anti-counsumer practices.
Every single bit of design is made with the sole purpose of making the player spend more money, be it the lootboxes, the skins, the limited time events, the resin mechanic, the limited amount of primogems you get out of chests, and more. The game is literally Pay to Win, at a point that getting 5 star characters while being F2P happens once every 5 months because of the limited amount of primogems you get without spending money. I played for 8 months DAILY and only got 1 five star character that I actually wanted.
Even when the game is not being obscenely anti-counsumer, it is just pretty bad overall. The exploration is dull and uninteresting, the grinding is repetitive and boring, the story is told in a really boring way, the combat system is too basic and focuses too much on building than actually fighting, the puzzles are atrociously awful, and the boss fights go from "Ok" to "FUCK THIS MISERABLE PIECE OF SHIT BEING AND EVERYTHING RELATED TO IT".
It's not a BOTW rip off as some people say, but it still is a terrible experience that i never want to have again, and I played this game for 8 fucking months.
I'm only giving this game a 2/10 because the music is incredible. For me, a 1/10 game needs to be useless in every single way.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
