This is definitely another game I was honestly pretty surprised by how much I liked it. The game serves as a ‘visual novel’ adventure sort of deal with a rather interesting and unique structure in that the game has branching story paths which, while obviously on it’s own isn’t very unique considering so many games have that sort of thing, is a bit interesting in that the story paths themselves do have some sort of connection where you pick up ‘Charms’ - emblems of key words that you can use to go back to “turning points” in order to change the direction of the story until you reach the game’s “true” ending. In theory this could have easily led to a “Shadow the Hedgehog” situation where you’re basically left having to replay the entire game multiple times, but I feel like the devs and writers kept it in mind as the dialogue and your tasks do tend to change pretty significantly as you progress and return to these turning points (and you can actually return to them instead of just playing the game from scratch 10 times lol). It’s a really unique way of structuring a narrative-driven game like this, and is just a really interesting concept on it’s own.

The game actually sort of reminded me of Night in the Woods in both it’s gameplay and elements of it’s narrative and setting. This is more of a narrative-driven title so gameplay isn’t too much of a focus here, and both games take place in a sort of rundown town that’s basically left abandoned and to rot by corporations, and as you play through it you learn more about the characters, their backstories, and the town’s history, on top of secrets that are being kept under wraps. There is of course significant differences between this and NITW, but it’s definitely very comparable.

And as a fan of NITW… well, you can bet I really liked this game as well. I definitely felt very invested in the story and where it would end up going, with some points definitely hitting pretty emotionally as well. Without spoiling anything, the characters feel well rounded and just fun in general in each of their own ways, and I did enjoy going around the town and talking to the different NPCs that had their own personalities and stories going on with some minor details even playing a part of the bigger narrative. The art style is really good all around too, having a style that does fit in with the sort of ‘classical literature’ theme the game has going on throughout with the ‘cover art’ just providing a taste of it.

This game of course probably won’t be for everyone, but if you do enjoy narrative-driven games (especially ones in the same vein as Night in the Woods as mentioned), I’d definitely recommend checking this one out.

(also at one point the among us ‘emergency meeting’ sound effect is used as an alarm and that really bothers me)

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
