Simplicity is the thing that can strum a chord, but it's up to you to add to the harmony.

There are many games out there that stun the player with amazing graphics, astute gameplay, and top-of-the-line stories. But yet as man stands as one of the most complex creatures Mother Earth graced, man finds itself immersed into the most… simple. There is nothing that caps the human mind, there is nothing our conscience cannot conceive; yet we do not paint the statues that stood time and history, we do not add color to the Mona Lisa. These pieces of historical art stood time because they refused to be complex, instead embracing simplicity. Gato Roboto is of course no Metroid Dread, it is no The Last of Us or Majora’s Mask. It is, in some sense, a grace of beauty in simplicity.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” - Da Vinci

Gato Roboto can be summed up in a simple sentence: You are a cat in a robot suit in a fun metroidvania. That’s it. There is no special gimmick, there is no incredible jaw-dropping story, there is only Kiki and the Robot Suit. As Kiki, I felt safe, I felt okay. This game is not a masterpiece, but it is to me. I am diagnosed with a multitude of mental illnesses. I, like many others, find a feeling of solidarity in things that make us happy, to distract us from the outside world. The year is 2021, Summer. I just got done with another year of high school. This was, in all regards, the worst summer, the worst 3 months of my life. I remembered, in those moments, I had a cute little game called Gato Roboto in my Steam library. Sure, I had already played it prior, yet I felt as though I should play through it again, just one short playthrough. That, of course, was not “one” short playthrough

“Nature is pleased with simplicity” - Isaac Newton

It became two, then three, then ten, then 15. I, right now, have most likely over 50 playthroughs not including speedruns of Gato Roboto. I have speedrunned, 100%’d, and randomized the game so many times that it would be a lie to say it is not the game most ingrained into my soul.

“Gato Roboto is the best game of all time” - Me :)

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2022

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