This by no means is a perfect game but it's scratching so many itches that it's already one of my favorite games I've played this whole year.

It's just a beautiful love letter to fans of the Dreamcast era with a top tier soundtrack and lots of care put into it.

Like you know a game is GOOD when you actually want to 100% it before even finishing the main story.

The main story isn't good but it's interesting. It's not great in execution, but I enjoyed what it was trying to do especially with it's message and plot twists.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

All and all I think people's enjoyment will vary depending on what you expect to get out of the game before playing. I'm expecting as time goes on the reception will be mixed, but for now I'm happy how Bomb Rush Cyberfunk came out.