Another collection of DLC's, though I personally prefer the first one, even though this one is technically larger.

21 is kind of fun, but I found it to be a little too tedious for my tastes. It's literally just blackjack with gore, and a bunch of strategic modifiers introduced in round two that I wasn't too big a fan of. It wasn't really my cup of tea.

Daughters is okay, it shines a light on what the Baker family was like before Eveline entered their lives, which is nice. But gameplay wise, its mostly just kind of annoying. There's, as far as I know, two different endings which are only slightly different based on one choice you make near the end, and it doesn't really feel all that rewarding either way. The puzzles aren't really interesting either, they're either too boring or too convoluted to feel rewarding. Outside of being able to see the Bakers pre-infection, there's just not much worth seeing here.

And Jack's 55th birthday is...there. It's not bad really, it's just a silly little minigame where you run around, collect food, and kills enemies wearing party hats. It's silly enough to not feel intrusive, but not interesting enough to really be worth it.

Overall, I think I prefer the first batch of DLC's more, only because I felt more rewarded when I got through those. I just wasn't too into these ones.

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2023
