A fun platformer that does a lot right. I was impressed with how the game seamlessly taught me how its mechanics worked through gameplay, something I particularly love seeing in just about every game I play

The difficulty in this game ranges from laughably easy to surprisingly difficult, especially during some of the bonus challenges. As the game went on, I found myself earning less gold trophies and orbs than I though I would.

I enjoy the game overall, but I still have trouble trying to understand why this exists. To see a Little Big Planet game with everything that defined Little Big Planet taken out of it just feels wrong. The ingredients are all mostly there; character customization, fun platforming, worlds made out of other objects like a playset, etc. But without the ability to create, share, and play other players levels, it just loses what made Little Big Planet so special in the first place.

Overall however, a pretty fun time. If you look at it as a really highly polished spinoff, then it's frankly a great game. I'm just hoping that a spinoff is all it is, and that this won't be what defines Little Big Planet as a series going forward.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2022
