This just wasn't it for me. The whole back-half of the game felt narratively stifled and with fights that were more frustrating than rewarding.

The last three or four boss fights, the hacking mini-game, the general mob fights and the level design just all failed me and I found myself getting annoyed at how some of these parts played out.

Sometimes a character would mention where to go and if I had just been in a fight, I might be turned around. Sometimes the level design and art direction doesn't give you a cue of what may be the right way to go. I remember after one of the fights, looking around, wandering through a green doorway, realizing I came from there, going through an orange doorway, realizing it was just some ammo and then realizing I had to go through the grey doorway with red buzzers on it, buzzers that were all around the wide open room I initially started in. It didn't stand out, it was muted colors and nothing about it would have cued me on, not even my teammate who just blended into the background.

Even with a lot of my weapons maxed out on level, I found the fights to be extraordinarily hard as if I had hit a spike in difficulty and there wasn't much to do except: fight, die, repeat. This tedium for the last two or three hours on end was just a terrible experience on top of the story that just made me question why I wanted to finish the game in the first place.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2022
