Not all heroes wear capes, some wear seriously outdated suits.

It's been a long road getting to this point for both myself and Yakuza's main star Kiryu Kazama. Like many people I got into this series with Yakuza 0 through word of mouth in 2017 and wondered what I had missed all that time. There simply isn't another game series like it. It's a Frankenstein's monster whose separate parts on paper don't feel like they should work but amalgamated together they create something magical. They are serious crime dramas, only they are off beat comedies. They are beat 'em ups yet also adventure games, RPGs and dating simulators. It's all of these things and yet none of them. Not all it's ideas work, when they throw so much at the wall some things don't always stick but without fail for me they are always emotional, hilarious and entertaining.

The series' big selling point to me though is actually it's world design. This series along with Deus Ex made me realise I don't dislike open worlds, I dislike vast areas for the sake of being vast with empty meaningless content, sometimes less is more. Yakuza games are open worlds done right, not gigantic bloated icon maps usually used for those descriptions but smaller denser hubs. Locations have meaning, they have personality, the cities feel like characters in the game as much as the cast. If the game tells me to go to a shop or street I normally know where it is without having to bring up a map. They are full of life, small compact and focused.

Yakuza 6's story follows this same thought, whether it was because this was the first game on the Dragon Engine at the time meaning they cut back I don't know but I appreciated the sharper focus on Kiryu rather than the overly large games before that were getting a bit too big for themselves. Kiryu was really the heart of this game, it's his personal story about his own values and dedication to family. Hard to discuss without spoilers but whilst the overall story wasn't quite my cup of tea generally resulting in some pacing issues it still has some fantastic characters, moments and voice acting. This is partially because Yakuza's cinematography for it's cutscenes are a step above most games to me. The camera angles, facial details and expressions have always been extremely impressive but I truly noticed it here.

Like every Yakuza game the side content is often as important as the linear main story. Yakuza 6 scales back on this too but there is still a wealth of content here I spent a lot of my 70 hours playing through on. Spear fishing in an underwater on rails shooter, building up a clan for street fights in a mini strategy game, helping a small baseball team beat their countryside rivals (I'm not into baseball but this is making me consider some other games for it) as well as the usual suspects like cabaret clubs, video chat dating, mahjong and arcade games. It even has the full arcade game of Virtua Fighter 5 as optional content which is pretty crazy as far as a throw away mini game is concerned.

Honestly except some story beats I just don't have anything negative to say about this game. The combat is a little simpler than some other titles though that doesn't concern me much as the moment to moment narrative beats and atmosphere are the core to the series to me. I started it because I needed to play it to play Gaiden as I skipped from 5 to 7 initially but then had a feeling of regret I hadn't played it sooner as the Yakuza magic took hold of me. I love the world, the characters, the side content, exploring and taking in the sights of the locations. Yakuza as I discussed is a lot of things but to someone who grew up as a Sega fan it really shows to me that they still have that spark that made me a fan of theirs in the first place and may it long continue.

+ Hiroshima is a great new location.
+ Cinematography and voice acting are superb.
+ Baseball, spear fishing and clan fighting are pretty fun side content.
+ It's Yakuza.

- Storyline is a little up and down.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024


2 months ago

On a side note as I couldn't find a suitable point to mention it. Who would start a fight with Kiryu Kazama? At this point in time he is literally a walking legend. The Dragon of Dojima, a man that has taken on entire Yakuza clans, Triads and korean mafia and won almost single handily. A man with the only grey 80's suit in Tokyo. I refuse to believe that local thugs wouldn't know of him never mind having witnessed him smash the teeth in of a group of Yakuza using a traffic cone and then think to themselves "I'm gonna mug that guy". This will never not be hilarious to me. Love this series.
I really should get back into the series. Started with judgment and only played 0 and 1 so far

2 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 - Understandable since they are all pretty big time sinks which is why I have played almost one a year since 0 came out to not burn out on them but still see everything. I think I'm going to play Gaiden this year too so I am ready for Infinite Wealth.

Judgement I played the first but bounced off it and haven't been back. I really need to though at some point as I hear it's genuinely great and I now have the PS5 upgrade.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

In regards to you "Why would these street level thugs fight Kiryu?" A lot of them are not bright, Kiryu does live away from Kamurocho and constantly leaves and returns to "the life" and theres always the clout chasers who think if they beat him they're now the hottest shit around
oh man I should also make it an annual thing lol, def recommend going back to judgment I liked it even more than 0

2 months ago

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2 months ago

@stovetop - That comment was more made in tongue and cheek than an actual serious question as it amuses me. It would be a lot less exciting if I didn't get to kick a thug through a window regardless of pretext lol.

2 months ago

Oh, I've been looking forward to this review for a while now and I'm glad to hear you had such a good time with it! Great write-up.

2 months ago

Heck yeah! Another positive review for 6. What do you think about the ending tho

2 months ago

Thugs start trouble

Kiryu: "Hold my baby"

2 months ago

@gsifgds - I think the ending was the strongest part of the story but there is a certain point it should have stopped for maximum impact when the music and credits role. Don't want to say anything else for spoilers so hopefully you know what I mean. Great game.

2 months ago

@Ghost_of_SAS - "He has a baby, he'll be an easy target!" Final words of Hiroshima street thief.

2 months ago

Yeah I agree. I actually liked the post credits part too before but as time goes on, I kinda wish post credits part didn't existed. Other than that 6 is excellent slow burn type of story

2 months ago

Hiroshima is beautiful! And the ending is great, if not better than Gaiden. Love it.

The combat is way too janky for my taste, it would be later perfected but it shows that 6 is their first attempt with the new Dragon Engine.

2 months ago

@Moister - With the combat I pretty much use one combo, Tiger drop and some heat actions so it didn't bother me too much as i'm extremely unadventurous fighting in Yakuza lol. Really looking forward to Gaiden now.