First Atelier game I've played and some reservations aside I had a fun time with it.

Ryza is an interesting RPG to me, it's more about slice of life of a group of teenagers finding their way in life and it took my head some getting around in the way it played as for sometime it felt like nothing was even happening and then it all clicked and I really got into an enjoyable rhythm playing it.

The game is heavily set around small scenes that unveil between characters in their town mixed with exploration and combat nearby to gather resources to craft. The crafting is easier than I expected but can give varied results depending on what you put into it quality and skill wise. You can craft potions, weapons, armour, materials etc. many of which people in your town will request of you to complete side quests for yet more crafting resources as rewards.

Combat is similar to the game loop in that it took a bit to adjust to but is actually really good. It's sort of an atb system where the battles are turn based but everything continues to happen as you choose what to do. You control one character at a time but can swap on the fly using skills, attacks or items but each has their own limitations. You must attack to build up AP to upgrade your tactics bar which allows you to attack more but skills take AP to use and special attacks often need skills or items to trigger. Everything has it's own positive and negative so understanding and balancing what you have are key to winning. That said, the battles aren't too difficult especially when you master how it all works.

The graphics were surprisingly good, or more the art design? The game is really colourful and has some gorgeous views. It took me a second to adjust playing this on PS5 from all the 60fps games I've been playing though it initially felt chuggish. I loved the music to the game, almost every track really stood out.

My biggest complaint against the game are actually Lila's costume which was clearly designed by some horny goth dude and Ryza's completely unneeded boob jiggle. Even at a slow walk they bounce around like jelly in an earthquake, it's just cringey. Otherwise I had a pretty good time with this and would buy the sequel in the future.


+ Slice of life laid back game loop
+ Interesting battle system.
+ Great visuals and music.

- Some needless objectification for the male gaze.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2021
