Clash of the Titans.

So I never played the original Titanfall which was a multiplayer only first person shooter on the Xbox One. When the sequel was announced with a campaign included I was certainly interested and when I finally got a chance to play it, by all accounts Titanfall 2 is an excellent game I would highly recommend people try.

In the campaign you play the role of Jack Cooper a rifleman for the Frontier Militia who are at war with the Core systems, more specifically the IMC who wish to exploit the frontier systems resources and control them. Though a Titan pilot in training Cooper is suddenly given a practical quicker than he expects when during an attack on an IMC controlled planet called Typhon he ends up in control of the Titan BT and must finish the former pilots mission to save both the Militia still on the planet as well as Frontier forces at large.

The story is actually pretty good, the game eases players in very well with a VR training sequence as well as the prologue mission. The main campaign sees a mixture of running around on foot as well as piloting BT fighting both normal soldiers and other Titans. Cooper and BT have a surprisingly good relationship that works well with your character being able to choose dialogue responses at times in which BT will respond differently and it's often pretty amusing as BT doesn't understand slang all to well. Though the campaign is short at around 5-6 hours it has some nice variety in both it's locations and goals, one of my favorite levels I can't say for spoilers but it was a real surprise, I liked the campaign quite a lot.

The game plays extremely well, it's really fast paced and incredibly smooth. Cooper has a harness that allows him to double jump as well as run along walls and it's implemented brilliantly with changing direction in mid air and firing while wall running and sliding. The controls just feel so right and this is especially noticeable in the multiplayer which is one of the smoothest feeling fast paced first person shooters I've ever played. The multiplayer has extensive modes from "Attrition" which features a mixture of players and AI controlled bots fighting against each other and players can call in their own Titans to pilot. It's a crazy mode where multiple Titans can be fighting it out with other players firing grenades and lasers to try and take them down. The game also features more traditional pilot vs pilot deathmatch modes, one on one Titan battles among others so there are a lot of options. Like most multiplayer shooters it has it's own progression system where you level up unlocking new guns, skins and tags. Weapons themselves each have their own level system as you use them which unlock their own skins. Nothing feels anything more powerful than anything else, I ran round with some of the start weapons and never really changed and found it easy to compete with people 30 levels higher than me, it seems well balanced. There are also a variety of classes to choose from that have abilities such as a grappling hook to get up to areas quickly, a shield to fire through, a radar etc.

Presentation wise Titanfall 2 is excellent. The graphics are really nice not just technically but also artistically, some of the levels are really nicely coloured with skyboxes, jungles and lights. (Nice to play a shooter whose primary colour isn't solely brown) The Titan's all look great and it run almost flawlessly at 60fps which you can really feel while playing. I also really loved the voice acting and music.

All in all I had a great time with Titanfall 2, it looks great, plays incredibly smoothly and the campaign was surprisingly good. I do wish the campaign had been longer or there was some kind of co-op mode but that's just wishful thinking and can't take away that Titanfall 2 is a great game.

+ Campaign is surprisingly good.
+ Multiplayer is fast paced with lots of options.
+ Great visuals and presentation.
+ Smooth controls and frame rate.

- I wish the campaign was longer.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2021


2 years ago

Such a good campaign! Hopefully some day we'll see a Titanfall 3

2 years ago

I keep hoping!