The Sakura Wars theme tune is, seemingly, timeless. I couldn't get this song out of my head for days to the point I've put it on my Sony Walkman and happily bop along to it. The song originally came out in 1996 twenty-six years ago with the original game release and every sequel since has had updated versions of it including the anime spin offs and I love every version.

Why am I going on about the Sakura Wars theme? Mostly because it's the main positive I really have about this game sadly. This is the first in the series I've played never getting the chance to purchase or play the others for a variety of reasons and my disappointment is so palpable I can almost physically taste it.

The game essentially has two gameplay aspects to it. Exploration and combat:

This is essentially the hub where you get some mini side quests and talk and interact to characters. Sakura Wars is based in a fictional steampunk historical era in Japan where a group of all female theatre performers also pilot giant battle mechs to fight demons when required using funds from their shows.
The theatre is based on a real one as well as the troupe names, would love to see one of the shows.

Honestly it's completely crazy but I love the premise and the art and visual design of (most) of the characters and locations are top notch. The issue I have is that a huge amount of the character interactions simply made me uncomfortable or outright cringe. The characters themselves are good and I'm no stranger to anime dating sims or tropes but this was just bad. The character's awful over the top animations, head patting, blushing, creepy comedy bath scenes etc. It honestly made me want to curl into a ball and die. I like romance in games, I can deal with a little cringe but this was just too much.

When not feeling embarrassed playing whenever my girlfriend walked in with the exploration side we have the combat. This is another can of worms. I understand the other games were all strategy titles which really appeals to me but for the 2019 release they scrapped that for a purely action system. It's terrible. The levels are extremely linear, mostly bland to look at, the bosses are all forgettable and the combat completely lacks any impact or weight considering you are piloting giant mechs around. It's honestly just weak and boring. It's sort of like Dynasty Warriors but with the fun aspects removed. Yes, I said it.

Overall this game was such a let down to me and the thing is I really wanted to like it and occasionally story scenes to it are genuinely good and a little heart warming but it never stays at that consistent level of quality. The combat especially though is just so awful mixed with the boring linear levels. Just no weight, skill, challenge or variety in it at all.

Still, I'll always have the theme.

+ Great theme song.
+ Excellent art.
+ I like the characters.

- Some cringey, cheesy animations and dialogue.
- Combat is just bland and boring.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

@HylianBran - I get that same feeling listening to the theme. It's surprisingly impactful and on YouTube there is a mix of every version though the years with the different actresses that is truly sublime.

It's funny you commented now as I'm about half way through the original game with the English patch and it's pretty crazy how a 27 year old game is so much better than the reboot.