Not normally a fan of Rogue-likes (lites?) but this has been in my backlog a while and finally playing it I enjoyed it

The game focuses on the Bergson family traveling through dungeons to defeat the corruption slowly plaguing the land. The game starts with 2 characters and slowly expands to 7 as other family members unlock over the course of the game. Each family member has different abilities and weapons (2 ranged, 5 melee) with some abilities that effect all the other characters so the more you play them, the stronger everyone gets encouraging you to try the other characters.

Every time you die in Children of Morta or complete a dungeon steady stream of story content about the characters and situation unlock. Before starting the game I read this article that discusses this point rather well.

Combat is a little mixed. The base combat is solid but I found the ranged characters, especially early on just outclass the melee characters who get swarmed and damaged far too easily. The enemies also somewhat lack variety, especially at the end still seeing the same corrupted enemies was a bit meh. I did really enjoy the variety of grace and relic items you find in dungeons. They are a two edge sword though meaning you can become super powerful or just meh depending on the RNG.

Presentation wise Children of Morta's visuals are really nice. It's 2D pixel art and very detailed with a huge amount of animations. Each time you finish a dungeon and return to the house the character have all moved around doing different things from playing violins, eating, training etc. and the art style is wonderful. I do have one complaint though that the text is tiny. I sit only a few feet from my 42" tv and had to lean forward to read some of it which is ridiculous.

Overall I had a really good time with this game and wasn't sure what to expect. I played it maybe about 25 hours or so for the platinum unlocking everything on multiple runs and certainly don't regret my time with it.

+ Like the character variety.
+ Steady stream of story tidbits and lore.
+ Gorgeous visuals.

- Enemy variety and combat balance could be better.
- Why is the game text so insanely small?

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2022
