I really don't know what to say about this game. There isn't much to say about this game. Roombo: First Blood is the clearest example of a title that does what it says on the tin I've experienced in some while. The play on words based on the first Rambo film should tell you everything about what you'll be doing though to be honest if we're going theatrical here, it's more akin to Home Alone.

It's Christmas, your family have gone out and you're asleep in the charging dock like the good little Roomba you are when you hear burglars breaking in. Not on your watch! Being a self aware Roomba you can hack obviously and the whole game revolves around you running away, sometimes hiding and setting off traps. Exploding electrical sockets, showers, coffee machines, dropping fans on them, whatever you can do to kill those pesky thieves. Once done you need to clean up as best you can munching their corpses, blood and footprints. Suck up enough blood and you gain a ram move to physically smash into them.

The whole experience is, in case not obvious from the name alone, all very tongue and cheek and silly fun. It's only issue is it becomes monotonous extremely quickly. There are 6 levels plus 3 bonus levels but they are identical except more enemies. Same house, same traps, literally nothing changes. The bonus levels at least try for some gimmicks like loads of knives, invisible enemies etc but not enough to keep any real interest.

Fortunately the game knows what it is. It's priced accordingly, is cheap as chips and doesn't out stay it's welcome as you can finish and platinum it in an hour. Worth it as a palette cleanser or to take a break from bigger games one evening and is entertaining while it lasts.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2022


Might pick it up solely on the fact "Home Alone but as a roomba" is really funny and a good timewaster

1 year ago

It's exactly that. Entertaining chewing gum for the brain for an hour one evening. It's cheap normally but I think I got it on sale for 69p.
Yea I see the base price for it is 5USD, which is a fair deal given what the game seems to be about