I started this expecting a light-hearted summer game considering the weather here right now is actually windy, rainy and dark. I guess the UK's two weeks of summer are already over. Alba: A Wildlife Adventure despite being a short indie game aimed at all ages kinda hit me in the gut a bit, and though the overall theme is one of education and hope it actually left me feeling a bit down about humanity in general but that is no fault of the game.

Quite the opposite, I think Alba is a lovely little relaxing title. You play the titular character Alba visiting her grandparents on an island. The damaged nature reserve is under threat to be removed in favour of an out of place luxury hotel. Taking it upon yourself with a friend to get a petition signed and stop it. This involves repairing bird houses, photographing wildlife, cleaning litter etc to get the locales on your side, stop the greedy corporation and save the day.

Though short and linear it's a small open world allowing you to explore at your own pace, talk to locals and find various birds and animals for your nature book. The game has a lot of heart and a nice simple visual style with clear cut blocky graphics. The music has this Spanish guitar feel to it and it all comes together nicely as a while as it progresses. The only real issue I had was that sometimes when interacting with objects or people the game would freeze for 3-5 seconds like it had crashed and it happened fairly frequently.

It's fairly short at only a few hours to 100% but that is exactly what I was looking for. I had a long couple of weeks, you see I work in the environmental sector of sorts which is why this game was both lovely and sad at the same time. Humans are destroying the world through both minor and major acts of selfishness. Destroying animal habitats and cruelty. Even just basic acts of spraying graffiti, littering all build up. Please play this and just think about what you do, what you buy and how you treat others, animals, recycle and reuse.

Agent Smith in the Matrix was right.

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2023


10 months ago

Really sweet writeup, been looking for more of these short/touching indies to fill in a very weirdly shaped whole in my heart. I'll have to pick this up sometime

10 months ago

@hilda - It's a really wholesome little game. Definitely worth a play when it's on sale for sure :)