I don't understand who decided to turn Serious Sam into a real (?) character with an apparently serious (????) story and some of the most annoying companions I've ever seen. There is a reference to Serious Sam, yes that Serious Sam, having sex and that's just not something I ever needed to know.
The game itself is fiiiiine, a gigantic step up from Serious Sam 3 which shall never be mentioned again but also it is, approximately, 200 hours long and starts to drag halfway through. It feels like Croteam doesn't really know what to do with this franchise and I wish they would just go back to what Serious Sam was always about which is stupid dumb fun in big and colorful and varied levels. It is definitely not a bad game but the stand alone expansion Siberian Mayhem is an overall better experience and one that you also can finish within a lifetime.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2023
