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My thoughts on this game are mixed, but this is an interesting project. Felt wrong giving it a rating at all though.
My favourite parts were Missing Page1 and Page2, as they were a bit more upfront and provided obvious insight.

Below are the thoughts and notes I made throughout my experience, I am not good at analysis and most of it is probably wrong but here you are:
This is chaotic

Multiple references to skeletons and bones, and also birds.
Multiple references to jumping off a cliff.
If you click the sun in any of the games something weird happens.

Page 1
My interpretation of this is maybe the creator fell over and broke their ribs, and this is them managing the physical pain from that?
It is also most likely the idea of being optimistic and positive despite this continued pain.

Page 2
The idea that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?
Something to do with sometimes you just need to say "Ok" when you have a problem and move on.

Page 3 - About love.
Does someone truly love you if they only love you for what you can do you for, and not for who you are?
The feeling that you have to be entertainment, or else you will be boring and those you love will stop loving you.
Trial and error with no feeling of improvement from constant rejections.

Page 4
Confuses me a bit. Something with do with internet spam or incorrect information.
Long ass CAPTCHAs being annoying???
Maybe it is about AI learning about you and who you are.
Maybe it is about data privacy?

Page 5
Eventually everyone will die, even the ones you love.
The hope that your loved one isn't dead, and can somehow be brought back.

Page 6
Not sure?

Page 7
About a voice in your head that acts horrible, and if you can't overcome it you kill yourself?

Page 8
Eating disorder? The impossible task of making food for someone that fits their allergies, their diet, their preferences, is cheap, is quick to make and is healthy.

Page 9
Life without friends.
The voice in other people head's that say horrible things about you.

After page 9 I was directed to a "Calender" it had several poems written in them, but I decided against reading or analysing them all as I had limited time.
During page 10 I was ejected to another page with 13 poems which honestly I can't be bothered to read I'm very sorry.

Page 10
The annoyance that when you start going out, you are forcibly given relationship advice that scares you out of wanting to date someone.

Page 11
Coping with failure or pain or suffering or rejection, finding it hard to cope for a few minutes, despite having to do this your entire life.

Page 12
Getting consumed in bad news?

Page 13
Maybe, the feeling you HAVE to make art to be happy?

Page 14
Nobody cares about you unless you are making art?

Page 15
Social constructs maybe?

Page 16

Page 17
Not sure how to "win" this page. Something do with followers? Dunno if I'm taking these at surface value a bit too much.

Page 18
Conversations are hard.

Page 19
Opening up to friend sand them finding it scary??
^ As in relationships AND as in just trying to confide in a friend.

Page 20
I'm not sure. There are a lot of themes of meat and vegetarianism in this whole thing.

Page 21
Saying obvious stuff, and no one really helping or doing anything????

Page 22
Everything is as it should be.
When you are in the dark, it is impossible to see the good things in life. It shouldn't be seen as selfish to be weak.
Don't take someone's pain out on them, and if you can't or don't know how to help also don't take that out on them.
People who are struggling should be seen as strong.
"If you cry, then you are weak.
If you break down, you are torturing everyone with your moods.
If you ask for help, then you are needy.
If you want to completely give up and die, you are selfish.
The more vocal you are about your difficulties, the more people will shut you out."

Page 23
An idea I got from this, maybe not their idea though.
Maybe life is like falling to a pit, eventually you will die no matter what you do.

Page 24
Live with the pain until finally you die.

Page 25
Body dismorphia.

Page 26

Page 27
Igor? From the quiz?
The Void?

Missing Page1.txt - Really interesting
It's the things you have no control over.
It's the beauty of chaos, crafting something out of this all.
It's the beauty of persistence, you have to be stubborn to survive.
Perserverance is something to capture.

Missing Page2.txt
"Stop putting it on all the victim!"

Missing Page3.txt - Igor is back

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
