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You wake up as an interrogator, your task is to question humans and androids for various things. What path will you choose to take in this dystopian world?

Gameplay: 6/10
The gameplay is pretty good, mainly centred around speaking to people to attempt to uncover secrets and sensitive information.
However, I did find myself often just clicking mindlessly through dialogue trees and still reaching a satisfactory conclusion.
Overall, it's good but probably wouldn't captivate me for more than the 4 hours I played it.

a. Mechanics: 6.0/10
You click dialog prompts to ask questions, to reveal information, to log in your report.
I wish it was expanded upon a bit more, for example you get "extra-interrogation tools" if you have a high reputation with Kronos (your makers).
However, even when I got a high reputation I only ever got a single extra interrogation tool (which I didn't even feel to be that useful).
Definitely seems like these mechanics could good boring after a while.
b. Difficulty and Challenge: 5/10
I'm not sure how to rate this game's difficulty. Maybe if you try really hard to get a specific outcome it could be difficult, but I really don't know what to say here.
c. Exploration and Progression: 6/10
Exploring the minds and picking at the brains of who you are interrogating can be entertaining, especially when you unveil a hidden secret.
As for progression, there isn't much progression. You can look at the news to see if the world is changing from your actions, however like most of these Paper Pleasescque games most androids feel disconnected from one another.
However, your actions can change the events in the news.
d. Variety and Creativity: 7/10
The gameplay doesn't seem incredibly original, however the fact you can view your subject's emotions and how they change based on questioning is cool.
However, there is one part where YOU are interrogated. That was surprising and very interesting.

Story, World and Characters: 6.3/10
It decent enough to keep you intrigued, but not enough to make you want to replay it.

a. Story: 7/10
The game's story isn't all too original and is very predictable. It's nothing special, however that doesn't mean it's bad. I always love a good dystopian android story.
The [spoiler]ending I got[/spoiler] was unfortunately very unsatisfactory, however that was my own fault.
b. World: 6/10
The game has a very grim and gritty atmosphere which I like a lot and fits the game's visuals well.
The news stories do add to the world a fair bit.
Overall, the settings and atmosphere are decent enough and I think they did a good job at it.
c. Characters: 6/10
The character's are fine. It is interesting to explore them, and especially with the emotion meter in-game they do seem like actual people.
I just wished there was more development of the character you play as.

Graphics, Audio and Technical Execution: 6.3/10
While the game doesn't look good or sound breathtaking, the graphics and audio do a good enough job to add to its theme and atmosphere.

a. Graphics: 6/10
The graphics aren't perfect, but they are good enough. They do help convey a gloomy atmosphere, but I feel as if the graphics are missing something.
b. Music: 5/10
The music can only be described as "fine". In my opinion, it is nothing special at all. It is just "fine". I definitely wouldn't listen to it away from the game.
c. SFX: 8/10
The sound effects are alright, nothing more to add here. Sorry!

Replayability, Value for Money and Extra Content: 2.0/10
Chances are you won't replay the game, or go for the extra achievements.

a. Replayability: 2/10
There is a tiny bit of replayability, as in it could be interesting to go back and try to get different endings. Unfortunately, I feel no need to.
b. Value for Money: 3/10
This value is calculated via: (Hours Played/Cost Off Sale)*10.
Value for money in terms of hours played isn't too good.
c. Extra Content: 2/10
As far as I'm aware there is very little extra content, outside of 1 or 2 things and achievements.
d. Mods: 0/10
No mods.

Innovation, Impact and Technical Execution: 7.0/10
While the game doesn't reach new horizons, it works and sometimes that's enough.

a. Innovation: 3/10
It pushed its boundaries a little, but not that much. I thought the emotion sensor was unique, but that is about it. The reputation system for these kind of games is common, and so are choices affected by them.
b. Impact: 2/10
Unfortunately, I don't think it had much impact.
c. Technical Execution: 10/10
Games runs very very well, not complaints here.
d. How nice is the studio who developed the game? (Can extend to publishers too.) Also, are there any predatory things put into the game such as loot boxes? 10/10
As far as I am aware, this game studio is chill.

Overall - 55/100 - "A robot may not injure a human being..."
I enjoyed this game for the short time it was with me. While I did find myself starting to get bored at times, it did enough to keep it interesting and make me pursue it to the end.
I recommended it if you enjoy click and point investigation games and if you pick it up on a sale.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2023
