Every single button, activity, and system in ARK: Survival Evolved feels bad. It is anti-fun. You're introduced to a stunning natural world full of amazing ancient creatures, and for some time, that might entertain you enough to keep playing. But as the frustration with building, crafting, taming, and even moving slowly builds up, you'll come to realize that this game is a waste of time.

It's a shame, because the creatures in this game look great and interacting with and taming them should be great. Unfortunately no taming method feels good to play. They're all simply time gated activities so PVP doesn't become a meme (except it's still a meme).

This game does not feel designed. This game does not feel thought-out. This game is to a bridge a bunch of unruly wooden boards held together by duct tape. To the last, ARK was like a buggy mess with a garbage coding foundation.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

not wrong