"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA UUUUUUUUUUUUUGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUUUUUUUUUUCK IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!" - That's me yelling as I was suffering from the David mash duel causing a minor hemorrhage in my right eye. Just because I forgot I had V-sync on.

KILLER IS DEAD is a hack and slash video game!
End review.
No, there's more to be said.
KILLER IS DEAD is a hack and slash video game with women in it!
There's plenty of women to fulfill your liking I guess. Do you like small ones? Tall ones? Uh. Ones that act like children. Freaky ones! Well whatever interests you, you can look at them. That's right you can look at women. Personally, I loooove looking at women. They make my heart feel so warm inside. Oh the object of a woman sure is something to behold folks!
This game is misogynistic. I know this information may trouble you but it is the truth.
Suda, my guy. I know your hand was forced in a few ways, but you guys really could've made the shit interesting at least? I knoooow all you want to do is make a freaky violent action game! Like that sweet sweet punk rock music! But fuck it if you had to put dating game elements you should've just went all the way dude. Don't half ass, use your whole ass!!

Anyways, remember that KILLER IS DEAD is a hack and slash? I guess I did. The combat is ok. If you love mashing X then gradually watching Mondo do more things as you mash X then you will love this game! Because that's all it is. It gets more engaging, the more there's enemies on the screen. More things to mash x at. Okay, I'm really wrong, you occasionally mash B as well. That special arm of his.. that's something. So with enough upgrades and unlocks, you can basically ditch any effort of this being a hack and slash and just play this as the worst third person shooter you will ever play in your life! That sounds enticing, doesn't it?

KILLER IS DEAD has a story.
Is it a good one? I'm.. really not sure. Before I go on. I have to mention this. So for a long time and including two days ago I've found myself saying that I feel myself as a "defender" of this game. That there was a time where I would say I loved this game even and that I saw something in it. I think it was in the story, but now I'm not so sure. It's easy to put your theory hat on and start thinking all sorts of ideas but I have to remember that this was made by a guy whos made the dumbest fucking games I have ever witnessed. So I never want to give Suda too much credit at this point. It’s very easy to get philosophical with this game because the story is just filled with vague themes and loads of characters that are completely nothing! Eros and Thanatos/ Freud’s pleasure principle and death drive seems to be a sort of popular theory with this game and while it’s an interesting look into it, I myself have a simple take away from KILLER IS DEAD. This game is about working for “the state” and its repetitive sheltered normative lifestyle. Because Suda said he wanted dark twisted James Bond so we’re going to get dark twisted James Bond. Mondo Zappa is the failed son who's oh so content with his murderous “apolitical” lifestyle because it’s what gets him pussy and soft boiled eggs. While David has done it all and to prevent boredom, he wants to reach new absurd heights. Legendary executioner? Been there, done THAT. Let’s take the moon, ok I got that. Guess I should take Earth. Hey loser brother, want to do something else with your life and have this moon? No? Okay, that’s funny. They bicker, they fight, Mondo’s arm hurts just like mine after yesterday's workout, they have their final altercation and honestly I think they settle it just fine like brothers. Mondo learns there's more to life and that there's a lot more shit he's got to regulate and work through. The state and Moon River want to destroy him now because he now challenges the status quo or so to speak. That’s all I got with the story. It’s a kind of dumb one and the story is told not the best way because this was created in the era of action games where everyone thought it was really cool for the protag to just walk really slowly while talking to someone. Also again.. A lot of the characters here are just absolutely nothing.

This game comes off as all style and no substance. It’s Killer 7 but somehow they made it uglier. The cell shading and it’s lighting is just REALLY fucked up in this game, it can be hard on the eyes because the game is desperately trying to have the hard contrast of dark and light look good (oh my god just like the battle between gold and black chess pieces aAAaAaAaAaAAaa.). I’m trying to understand what I saw in this game, I guess I really enjoyed action games where you just mashed buttons. Hey, I was REALLY into Dynasty Warriors back in the day! I think I’m just looking for something more to chew on without just projecting my theory onto cardboard. I spared myself and everyone here my Deleuzian ass (It’s why I mentally get stun locked on the conversation of repetition in games).

God damn why did I love this game? Was I just charmed by Mundo’s hypnotic blood moon eyes? OoooOoo cool horny suit sword man, time to base my entire gender identity off of him and many like him. Are the women in this game just like me? Is that why they don’t talk to him but just LOOK at the guy??? Okay I’m just saying shit now but hey, I bled for this review so I can say fucking whatever.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2023
