Peak. Don't want to write a big, detailed review at the moment, but I might eventually. Regardless, the unique ways this setting oppresses its citizens, and the ways that the game discusses the various cycles that keep people trapped in unbelievable suffering, will stick with me for a long, long time. This game has easily the best executed villain protagonists I have seen in any media, and the way that you the player start feeling like an absurd monster by around the 1/3 point is unrivaled in gameplay/story resonance.

At the same time though, this game is a fucking time vampire to an absolutely unnecessary degree. The deck building is genuinely a lot of fun, and the combat itself is also a lot of fun- during the player controlled phases. I genuinely cannot imagine how much time I spent watching the dice rolling phases play out, over and over and over again, taking several minutes each at their most hectic. What feels like ten minutes, and actually IS ten minutes or so of actual decision making gameplay, can be thirty or forty, easily. The game operates in what I refer to as casino time- if you don't have a clock directly in front of you on a second monitor, you WILL find hours vanishing as you retry puzzle bosses over and over again, not realizing that each failed attempt took half an hour at least.

Basically, game is just incredible in every way, but holy SHIT does it need animation skip options.

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
