Played from – to: (2023-09-06 – 2023-09-08) – PC controller.
‣ 3/10 – I saw no moons get lit.
‣ Thoughts: The idea of Moonlighter is slick and combines two pretty fun gameplay mechanics. On one side you manage a store, selling goods and managing what you sell and how much of it you keep for yourself and so on. Secondly, you fight to the death to restock that store and upgrade your character. These ideas sound fun but are poorly executed in the game itself. The dungeons play a lot like Binding of Isaac just without the good enemy variations and items to use. All you have is a weapon or two and fight the same 5 enemies. Granted I didn’t even get past the first dungeon but from what I saw it is very repetitive and dull. The two first chapters of the dungeon have the same exact golem bosses and barely vary. The fact that items have debuffs that effect in which slot you can have them, and in which stack you can hold the same item is bizarre and just makes the gameplay loop an even bigger grind. Figuring out how much an item should cost before you put it up for sale is also a hassle and forces you to sit in menus for days. Moonlighter failed to interest me in the two hours I gave it and that might be just me being impatient. But why should I bother giving this game more time if it sucked from the moment, I loaded it up? Overall, this game has decent ideas but fails to execute every single one of them. The combat is stiff and slow, the enemies barely have any variety or interesting attacks and the blend between Binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon just fails to work.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
