Played from – to: (2023-12-09 – 2024-01-04) – PC keyboard.
‣ 8/10 – It isn’t the finals if you never get to the final rounds haha…

‣ Thoughts: This game has certainly caught me by surprise. It may not be the hottest topic of the year or any gaming conversations, but there is something special here. Hell, I thought this was just another lame battle royal game with flashy characters and annoying voice actors. Thankfully it’ somewhat isn’t.

I review this game from the perspective of someone who is actively addicted to it. I may not play this game all day every day, but I like its basic concepts enough to ignore the problems and still find satisfaction in each round. First of all, the game is highly unbalanced. Some categories of characters you can play are significantly better than the rest. Some weapons are significantly better than others. This creates a sort of a meta bubble, where everyone plays with the same strategies and experimentation is avoided due to it being inferior 95% of the time. For example: there’s a class that has a sniper rifle. Combine that with a grapple hook and you become a deadly spider-man. Sadly, the weapon is extremely hard to use, because of the speed at which everyone moves. To use the sniper effectively you must be in close combat and exposed, which that class of characters can’t afford. The reason for this is: no team can fully function and hold a point of interest without sticking together. So, in order to use a sniper as any sane player would, you’d have to detach yourself from the team, effectively leaving them in a 2v3 fight. And sadly, this is just one example out of many, where class and weapon power inequality are present and easily noticeable. Perhaps it all comes down to skill issues, but after 50 hours I still dread the use of anything else but the main 3 meta weapons.

You might question why I still give this game an 8 out of 10 and the answer is already here. The game is a nice change of pace in the multiplayer shooter genre. It is addictive and has a great gameplay loop. The added destructibility, flashy and interesting map designs keep me entertained even if I do the same task every time. The monetization is definitely aggressive, but what you can earn for free in an already free game is enough to keep the casuals at bay. Weapons feel good to use and have punchy feedback you’d want once you hit your targets. Characters are fast and have their perks that can keep them alive against their counterparts. However, all the mentioned positives have their negative attributes but if I go and name all the problems, I’ve noticed then this will be longer than the bible.

In conclusion, The finals is a game that will only keep the hardcore fans active. It desperately needs updates to keep people engaged. 3v3 only is not optimal for smaller or bigger groups. The lack of maps is understandable for now, but the optimization isn’t. When will these new games get their shit together and make the frames stable is a question only God knows the answer to. But again, with all the disappointment I still love playing this.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
