Played from – to: (2024-02-01 – 2024-02-01) – PS5.
‣ 3/10 – When you ask your mom for P.T. but she says there’s P.T at home.

‣ Thoughts: Well, this was a sad and depressing experience. I have no idea why this demo? Game? Even exists. It does nothing new in terms of next-gen technology. There are no interesting ideas or twists that happen. The only thing that possibly happens is my controller speakers get fried from the static that plays when I get chased.

It seems like Konami gathered all the interns and just threw them at a wall asking to work on a silly school project. This walking simulator is roughly an hour long, extra 30 minutes on top if you read all the notes and die a few times. It runs at a steady 15 frames per second and has film grain so strong you will have it in real life as a fun parting gift.

Perhaps the idea of this experience flew by me, because I am not a suicidal teenager fueled by anti-depressants, but holy shit was this a sad game. For its length I wished it ended 3 times and for an hour-long game that is not good.

All in all, I truly don’t know why this is a thing, but hey… it is free. I’d look at this as a cheap horror movie to watch when you truly have nothing else to do with your time.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
