‣ 6/10 – The secret Walmart employment program.

‣ Thoughts: I don’t usually play simulator games because I find them more entertaining when I watch them instead of playing, since I seem to lack the creativity to make them fun for myself. However, this one hit different. Right after seeing the trailer, I bought the game and went ham. But the burnout hit just as quick.

Fundamentally this is a great game that allows you to turn off your brain, have a podcast in the background and just endlessly restock supplies while managing sales. But it gets repetitive quick, and expansion isn’t as rewarding as it seems. All you get for your efforts is a bigger place to work with and different looking supplies to manage. You do get employees that take over some aspects of the game, but that just makes you sit around and do nothing. The whole point of this simulator is to man the cash register and keep an eye on which supplies you need to restock, but after hiring cashiers that part of the job is mostly over. On top of that hiring restockers essentially removes your part in that aspect of the game as well and you are just stuck watching the items dwindle and making sure there’s more in the back to be restocked. You can of course avoid hiring people, but then managing everything becomes practically impossible.

With that said, I did enjoy my few nights with this game and will keep an eye on its future updates. Some people might find this gameplay loop fun and so did I, but after a certain point the progression is just not worth it, and the rewards are too little to be enticing. I hope this game evolves into a deeper more complicated version of supermarket management and keeps expanding.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
