‣ 6/10 – Mom get the camera!

‣ Thoughts: What a chad move is to release a game for free for the first 24 hours and get people hooked so they call up their friends and get them to buy a copy. All around this is a fun twist on the recently developed Lethal Company formula. It is blatant that the inspirations for this game came from there and it clearly shows, but its own spin makes the game feel different and unique.

It is fundamentally difficult to describe what this game is but basically you seek out danger and try to record as much of it as possible to meet the view quota. Once you do a run it becomes pretty straightforward but that also sabotages the overall experience. The first few runs will feel unique and genuinely spooky but the longer you play the more boring the game becomes. Because the levels aren’t procedurally generated, you’ll end up doing the same run looking for different footage which means the enjoyment you get out of Content Warning boils down to how fun you and your group is. There is nothing wrong with that approach but having this massive limitation leaves the player wandering the same hallways looking for a new monster to play around with. The added items give some variation but aren’t that impactful to the overall enjoyment.

All in all, Content Warning is a decent quick fun game that will need drastic updates to keep its players entertained. I don’t think it is a bad game, I simply think it lacks things to do. I’ve personally never seen something like this be done in a video game and the camera footage looks amazing, but the goofy physics and reenactment of jokes you’ve seen isn’t enough to keep me playing.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2024
