Played from – to: (2021-08-21 – 2021-08-26) - Beaten on PC via Keyboard
‣ 8/10 – Skyrim Nord creates a cult.
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 7/10
‣ Graphics – 8/10
‣ Atmosphere – 10/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 7/10
‣ Side Activities / Exploration – 10/10
‣ AI – 8/10
‣ Ragdolls / Physics – 8/10
‣ Movement – 6/10
‣ Voice acting – 7/10
‣ Combat – 9/10
‣ Final notes: It is crazy to think that Resident Evil 4 was released in 2005. Everything about this game like many have said feels one generation ahead. There is so much content in this game that I can see why many say this is the best resident evil game in the franchise and frankly I would have to agree. Added content gives more context to an already crazy and big story. You get to replay most of the game from a different perspective and see new cutscenes, fight new encounters, boss fights and even levels. Overall the game is great though it does take some time to get used to rather unique controls. The aiming might feel off at first, but after a few hours I had no problem kicking the Spanish peasants back to their village. The story is also pretty good although I do not really understand why some of the villains refused to kill Leon when clearly, they easily could multiple times, talk about plot armor. Truly I do not think I have anything radically bad to say about this game. It has aged well and the animations with the graphics still look pleasing even to this day. In conclusion I would love to see a remake of this game just to replay it with new graphics and more comfortable controls.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023
