They really put you into open ass fields with no cover, weapons that barely have any ammo, and enemies equipped vehicles and are like "okay now fight them." Which is a shame cause when the game isn't doing that, it has some really neat levels.

A complaint I have is that when fighting the Prometheans, it's like 3 enemy types, and they rarely mix Prometheans with Covenant enemy types so in the back half of the game, you are just only fighting same same enemies again and again. This leads to weapon variety to be super limited as for majority of the time you have to use what the enemy drops, and the new Promethean weapons don't really feel distinct enough from already existing weapons. Like Promethean weapons are just: pistol, battle rifle, assault rifle, sniper, and rocket launcher. The only really new thing the Promethean's brought were the grenades which I found never really that effective as the enemy ai's can easily get out of the way. It's weird how they kinda fumbled with the new enemy weapon arsenal when the UNSC got some cool new weapons like the Railgun and Sticky Detonator.

I liked the story enough even though I prefer 2 and 3's. I like the unique dynamic between Cortana and Chief the game introduced though I wished they did more with it. The new main bad is a real wet fart though. He had a cool design (mask on, he's so ugly without it), but he barely leaves a presence in the game and he gets defeated in such an underwhelming way I can only describe him as a character as milquetoast.

I can forgive the game though cause it gave us the Red Vs. Blue Chorus trilogy.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
