Stumble upon this game a year back when I played the first play-test, I was already interested but then, the demo appeared a few months later and I was absolutely hooked. Now that it's finally here I'm finally glad to see it was worth the wait.
Not everyday you get a interesting/creative take on the survival-craft genre that's a mix of Half-Life 1, SCP Foundation and tiny bit of cosmic horror into the mix that brings out the nerd out of people (literally) that love this kind of stuff (myself included).

It is a bit on the pseudo-linear side of things that has you constantly progress through each zone as you build bases in order to fight out the "experimental lab-grown" horrors that await you during the day (and mostly night) but you'll be left with many tools/options at your disposal, and you'll need it. You're a nerd with nothing but your brain power to get you out of sticky situations. Right off the bat, the game will point out how laughably weak and feeble you are and only through progression your character will start to adapt to their surroundings, the more you do the same activity (like using a gun, your accuracy will improve the more you shoot it). Do know, if you choose to backtrack at previous locations you'll be happy to known your old bases will still be there. Adhere you go alone or with friends, with MANY tweakable options to shape how (difficult) you want to play, the game is insanely fun and although it's a early access game, you'll find yourself with a hefty amount of content to go through.

Based on the actions, passion and commitment the creator/devs has for Abiotic Factor, it seems like they're in it for the long haul for this game's development given, the fact they're pretty adamant on receiving feedback and bug reports through their community server/in-game reports and issuing hot-fixes shortly after. It's a nice sight to see devs that are close in tune with their community. Personally, I don't mind the price and current state this game is in. I say, give this game a try, it's really fun.

150+ hours in and there's one thing I can safely say about this game that's misleading....
It's missing a horror tag in the game's description. T-T

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
