First off, it's poorly optimized. On a 3700x with a 2080S I could rarely actually hit anything higher than 90 fps during actual gameplay and that is while just barely playing above the base resolution of the Index. This is one of the few games where I actually turned down the Index supersampling so I could squeeze out more frames.
DLSS might've helped a bit when the devs implemented it but goddamn that shit just made the game look even worse than it already did.
Graphically it's not exactly too impressive either which makes me wonder why it even runs so poorly. I guess it's cause of the seamless open-world when you're exploring, regardless it looks mid and could run better.
Back when I was still using my Rift S the shit would pretty much constantly have ASW on so the shit was at a constant 40 fps. I refunded it my first time through cause damn it was an eyesore. If sub-optimal fps already grates on you, you do not want to see what an unstable fps looks like in vr.

Anyway, the gameplay is pretty basic. It's your standard survive 'n find some loot type of thing with health, hunger, exhaustion, and carry weight to keep track of. For your inventory system, you have slots on your player IK as well as a backpack that you can freely arrange shit in. There are also missions you can take on while back at your base. Taking a wild gander, I'd say 95% of the missions in this game are fetch quests. At least they give you a decent chunk of cash for new gear though. Missions in this game are really just vehicles for you to go explore new landmarks you haven't yet seen while making some cash at the same time. None of the areas in this game looked particularly interesting to me but shit at least the loot was dope sometimes. I say sometimes cause I'm pretty sure most of the loot in this game is randomized considering you can savescum a lockbox and find some new shit in it.
Enemies in this game are pretty generic, shadow fuckers that try to wail on you, shadows with guns, shadows that squirm along the ground to lunge at you, and some weird cloud looking thing that spawns weak shadows with guns that cant aim for shit. In conjunction with these basic enemies are anomalies that're really just things that'll damage you if you get too close.
Story exists but it's kind of corny, and I didn't really pay attention to it. I guess the story is just there so some players had some overarching objective to work towards besides just getting enough cash to afford an AKM or something.
By the way, unless you're doing a shitton of side missions, you'll pretty much never afford an AKM or any other rifle or shotgun with similar capabilities. That shit is expensive. I got through the game with pistols, DB shotguns, and a few SKS' closer to the last few hours of the game.

Overall, it's just ok. I beat it in about 12 hours of actual playtime with alot of save-scumming. I wouldn't say the game is really worth $30 but if you're itching for a vr game to try out and you think you'll be able to run its fine enough.

I can't really comment too much on the idea of this game being heavily inspired by Stalker which I couldn't really get into when I tried it 6-7 years ago

Reviewed on May 16, 2021
