I'm including Pokemon Red as a stand-in for every single game in the franchise except for the ones that I've played and forgot the name of because they are literally all the same game with different names. The thing about these games is that I simply don't understand the fucking appeal of them. Turn based combat might not be inherently terrible on its own, but when you don't make any attempt to make the encounters interesting or streamlined in basically any way, it just becomes a tedious interaction with a temperamental interface. That is pokemon's combat. The enemies are not remotely varied or interesting enough to carry the game. The goal of pokemon is to "catch them all," but how does that differ from collecting STD's? The answer is that at least it's fun to catch STDs, whereas the pokemon games is just dealing with the paperwork. The fact of the matter is, the encounters are all grinding with no substance behind it, and when that's combined with the infuriatingly high encounter rate, it's just poorly designed in my eyes. Since they just add more grinding with each iteration, I have absolutely no reason to play any of the pokemon games more than I already have.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2021


3 years ago

they really don't add more grinding with each gen, and red in particular is one of the worst in that regard. that said, they more or less swung onto the other side with that pendulum in the games since ~2013 to the point where you basically just mash a for the whole game because it's so fucking braindead.

only ~9 out of the 32 games in total don't expect you to grind, and 5 of those are on the easy side (not braindead, just not challenging) so it's not even that huge of a compliment. if for whatever reason you're interested, the easier of those nine are all of gen 2 and their remakes, and then the other four are all of gen 5. not expecting you to go out on play em cause honestly recommending someone to play pokemon is a pretty pointless task considering how hard it seems to get into it.

hard agree on catching em all being unfun, but that's not been the goal in these games since pretty much red anyway. the encounter rates and amounts of trainers are also at their worst in red and its 3 remakes, but it definitely stays dull, repetitive, and slow in about 2/3 to 3/4 of the games in the whole series. if it were like 2012 i'd try to argue against your statement of the games being so samey, but at this point about half the series is poop rehashed every year or two so nah, you're right.

pokemon in general is one of those things where either you get into it in childhood or you'll probably not ever get into it, especially since 2/3 of the franchise is shit sandwiches and most fans have shit takes as either bootlickers or overhaters to the point where it's murky as hell

2 years ago

I guess you just had to be there.
better than gen 8 and 6 still
also that last comment is cringe

2 years ago

NIRT you were the last comment before posting that…
Was referring to last thing said in review

2 years ago

what's the difference between those generations?

2 years ago

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