I really wanted to like this game. Randomly generated NPCs? Play as Anyone? A more futuristic London? Sounded like a fun game.

Unfortunately, the "randomizer" aspects that make this game unique also make it less enjoyable. They don't play much into the game other than unique animations & some cases where only a character with a certain job can enter without being suspicious (i.e. construction workers in construction sites). There's not enough meat on the characters to make them stand out. Everyone can shot a gun. Everyone can hack a terminal.

The characters also cause the story to suffer too. Since there's no main character there's no one that can add a personal stake to the conflict. In Watch_Dogs 2, you were with Marcus and Co. in getting back at the scumbag ruining people's lives. In this you're always some guy that's fighting the bad guys because you were recruited; no reason why (unless you RP something I guess). This also makes the tone in this one really conflicting. You'll go into a locked room as a grandma wearing a tracksuit to find that the villains have tortured someone to death in there.

The "expanded hacking" mechanics from Watch_Dogs 2 are in this and are expanded a bit, which is still fun but I haven't finished this game and I don't know if I will. Even though it plays like 2 in a lot of ways, playing Legion doesn't feel like I'm participating in the story but rather going through the motions in order to get to the end.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2022
