True beginning of the well known arkham universe that treaded a path for future videogames circulating around the comic superheroes.
The greatest part of the 1st Arkham entry has to be the combat and stealth system - both really simple in their construction yet so satisfying that allows for lot of freedom thanks to different gadgets and their usage.
Very linear in terms of stroytelling with some good moments, like Scarecrow effect that introduces some intertesting horror parts into the asylum.
Unfortunately the boss fights themselves ain't that good - every one of them is basing on defeating goons just to hit the boss with batarang or some other bullshit.
The biggest failure is the final boss. Felt like devs had no idea for any more bosses so they just stripped him from anything exceptional and now he is just another big guy (Bane also could be the final boss and there wouldn't be any difference in terms of gameplay).
Good game but in my humble opinion just overrated.
High hopes for Arkham CIty.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
