April, 2024

2h 52m



Cleared all shooting levels and beat all custom levels deathless (separately)

Started / Finished

1h 0m



Died at the very last level so I had to replay the totality of the run, rip. At least I got the theoretical best score

Started / Finished

3h 25m

Done, as well as a bunch of easier challenges

6h 27m

Trying to do the random upgrades challenge on co-op (the second account being an alt). It's hard as fuck, mostly because you need to reach insanium and because I spent too much time not knowing how to buy revives.



0h 53m

Class of Twilight OL clear

3h 11m


After enough failed attempts, managed to get all humans on space station and master this game.
(Total playtime: 37h 42m)


8h 30m

After first practicing master ILs and getting smakced, then going through master and instandly dying due to the new hazards + me trying to get all humans and speedrunning...
Managed to get the Master+Hero 2ALL INCLUDING the TLB!
This was an absolute pain in the ass, many attempts.

Now I only have to collect all humans on space station and I'm done

4h 20m

Finally, 1CC of Arcade on Veteran without dying, INCLUDING the TLB with no hits.
Now on to master diff.

6h 12m

Did the deathless veteran 1CC, but also not really because I defeated the TLB while losing lives... which I shouldn't have defeated in the first place.

I also got all steam achievements at 17h 48m of playtime on this account thanks to feat grinding.

8h 10m

Cleared arcade on Veteran. 1CC is the new goal
1CC'ed three times. Once while failing to grab 2 normal humans, another with all normal humans but lacking hidden ones, and the other including those. The latter unlocked the feat I was aiming to.
At this point the total playtime would be between 14-15 hours I guess.

Then I started to do deathless runs, died at the very last boss before TLB. :(