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Somehow the dev/s managed to make the same game three times. Impressive.

I don't have ill feelings but the entire trilogy feels like someone embraced cringe and did what they wanted to do: an alternative world where Gensokyo probably never existed and there is a whole new island to the east of Japan, and our usual girls somehow have descendants (expected of Reimu, but the others being crowned queens as well?) which are people who speak the strangest phrases I've ever read in a work of fan fiction.

I'm not even going to talk about how there is next to no difficulty and it's basically impossible to lose if you have ever played at least ONE of the bullet hell games.
On the bright side, there is some impressive dedication to the universe.
There is also some very noticeable QoL additions on the latter games of said trilogy, so it wasn't in vain.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2023
