A very short experience that you'll see it isn't worth full price.
Most of the difficulty truly isn't on the bosses, but rather on the misc achievements while you fight against the badly designed controls.

Do you guys see the Steam storepage trailer, where you control a ball that you use to hit bosses?
Well, that ball does not stick to you unless it hits a straight angle with you. And when you launch it, it always goes in the same speed, without exception. And the radius where you're able to grab it is pretty small, so there will often be situations where:
- You move to reach the ball
- You end up colliding with the ball in the meantime
- Before you're able to grab it, the ball already went to the opposite dimension and beyond, losing even more time - or losing the misc achievement.

I also was forced to use a hybrid layout of moving with controller and aiming with mouse. Keyboard is utterly fucked, apparently due to Unity's default implementation, and has acceleration and inertia whenever you move. Aiming with controller is kinda difficult for the amount of precision needed.

Despite the previous complaints I still beat the game in an hour and half. Quick snack, but there are probably better things to play. I can forgive some things because the credits show it was made by 3 devs, but it's still a bummer.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2023
