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Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (2001)-
First time play through was a long time coming. I’ve heard so much about this game. Some people never played it, some love it, some are mixed and some hate it so I was curious to see where I ended up on that spectrum.
This game is awesome (mostly) but some odd decisions and frustration hold it back from being a masterpiece.
Off the bat I’ll say the cutscenes/story in this game are probably my favorite in the series. It’s dialogue is goofy but it’s a RE game. The voice acting is overdone like always (especially Steve) but overall the story was very engaging and made the game feel big. This feels like the proper RE3. Wesker vs Chris grudge match, Claire and Chris reunited, islands self destructing, tyrants, etc it’s all good stuff. The game doesn’t do anything to reinvent the wheel as far as RE gameplay. It’s classic survival horror without pre-rendered backgrounds and with the ability to duel wield some weapons which is cool but doesn’t change much. The puzzles are challenging from the very beginning and only get harder by the time you’re playing as Chris later. Overall my biggest complaints is I feel the playtime coulda been trimmed a little, returning from the private residence all the way back to rodridgo is a bit excessive and some rooms/hallways are not super distinct so they can end up feeling very samey which can lead to some confusion and extra wandering around. There’s also some dumb stuff like the infamous moth hallway which is a real head scratcher, some areas you have to take damage essentially and the game seems to want to fuck the player over by having Claire and Chris share item boxes. Overall these complaints didn’t hamper my enjoyment of the game much at all. It’s essential for any RE or survival horror fan. It very well could have been the best in the series if not for some boneheaded decisions. Oh and also I actually enjoyed all these boss battles and thought they were a good challenge overall with Nosferatu being my favorite. A remake of this game would go so hard.


Reviewed on Mar 21, 2023
