I’m disgusted and I’m not talking about the gore. I feel disgusted I paid $5 to play this. I thought I had reached the bottom of the barrel for console FPS games last week when I reviewed the pathetic Blacksite: Area 51 but somehow this is worse. The gore and dismemberement is pretty good but the appeal wears off after about 5 minutes. How can I game this gory be so boring?
Definitely a budget title but still inexcusably lazy. Horrible voice acting, boring and convoluted story (they thought they were getting a sequel? Lol). The graphics are mid af with some horrible textures and everything 20 yards out pops in as you approach it. Tons of audio and frame rate glitches as well. The music is stock and all the menus just scream “budget title”

The shooting is mid. All the guns feel exactly the same and there’s no real kick or recoil to anything. You can shoot the magnum like a laser. The animation of the gun kicks but the reticle doesn’t move at all. On top of this the controls are unresponsive as sometimes you can’t reload cancel or have to hit the button to swap weapons 2-3 to get it to work. And of course this game is dull regenerating Health with no gimmick or strategy to it.

The game is just walk forward shooting guys and some brief escort missions. It’s all horrible but nothing is as bad as these boss fights. Good lord! Just regular dudes that are bosses so therefore they are bullet sponges because video game I guess?

Really glad this only lasted 3 hours because I couldn’t take a second more of it. Putrid stuff. I will never touch this one again.


Reviewed on Apr 22, 2023
