Really only played this game to be able to be able to play the sequel which I’ve heard mixed things on. I hardly see any discourse about this first entry and I can see why…

There’s really not much to say here. This is about as cookie cutter a third person shooter that exists. If anything it’s below average.

The shooting never feels great. Can’t really tell if you’re hitting anything especially on some later levels with enemies far away obscured in windows and pitch darkness. The strongest gun fights are in the bank and night club levels earlier in the game.

The cover system is also jank. There’s no dedicated button to get on cover which was a big mistake. You’re constantly fighting to get on the contextual cover of objects like pillars and walls that are very clearly meant to be cover but for some reason Kane won’t get on the wall. It was extremely unreliable and frustrating for the entirety of the 4 hours I wasted playing this.

The only saving Grace for this game was the narrative which was solid and the characters, especially Lynch were amusing bantering back and forth. The absurdity of it all was fun but really couldn’t make up for the lack of any depth or fun in the gameplay.

Even co-op I can’t recommend this as there are much better co-op cover based third person shooters out there.


Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023
