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Hello my name is freelia back at it again with breath of fire 2

this game is very special as it brings a new thing to the breath of fire series. it isn't shit.

the writing is actually pretty decent for a snes rpg. I remember things that occur. Which is better than the first game.

I could not auto-battle through every battle in the game. This is a good thing.

But wait. Freelia user on you may say? this sounds so positive, shouldn't the game be higher.

Fundamental Flaw Number 1:

Why are my fusions removed at low HP and during some cutscenes? That is stupid. More backtracking. Fuck you.

Why did they remove switching my party from breath of fire 1. when breath of fire 1 does something better than you. that sucks.

No party autolevel? when the other game had it? are you stupid?"

The dungeons went from shit to not good. hooray. party confetti

Lin is baller or kat or whatever the f her name is. Rand u a real one. halla to my boy. Monkey guy. i hated your first impression. but u a real gangster.

It's alright. I like the township idea.

The dungeon theme is possibly the worst song ever made. You could a song better than the dungeon theme of breath of fire 2. You could. Please. Do.

The soundtrack is trying its hardest to be as good as it can while only having 2 seconds loops. it did ok i guess.

I think my final review is shitty ff6/10 please just play ff6. better writing. better mechanics.

I like how dark this game is willing to get as I think it will make the later-games in the series very good.

Ryu is more raw in this game cus he went up to GOD literally GOD and slapped his ass with his sword and said "i believe in my friends" and defied god. mfer thinks he's demifiend.

it's ok. peace breath of brothers.

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023
