I definitely see why people regard this as one of the GOAT slice-of-life/comedy VNs. Every character is multifaceted and bursting with fun personality and even the male characters got decent aromantic routes. However, a few specific aspects and moments really soured the experience for me, like /that/ awful moment on Chris' route. That's not even mentioning Chris claiming her German grandfather "fought bravely for a just cause" in the Battle of Stalingrad lmao (and that was in the common route too). There was a general vibe throughout the VN that Takahiro (the writer) loves the old Japan to an uncomfortable degree, felt like I was reading ultranationalist propaganda sometimes. Besides that, it often felt like the battle scenes in all the routes would drag on a lot longer than necessary [All routes read/100% CGs acquired]

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2023
