How you gonna have such beautiful background art and set pieces and clash them so wildly with those goofy chibi character designs man. Needs more 4KUHD orange Garnet butt!!

Okay more seriously, I didn't enjoy the ATB combat much and I didn't find the characters too likeable (Vivi was great but Quina, Eiko, and Amarant were so lame) which unfortunately caused the story to sorta just wash over me as standard JRPG flair. I really wanted to appreciate this classic more but alas. I even replayed FFX recently so I know my fondness for it isn't nostalgia biased

[used Moguri mod 8.3 // no cheats except for 3x speed battles & disabled random battles // toggled turn-based battle mode on about 1/3 through]

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2022
