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Did Odette really imply at one point she thinks human trafficking is better than smuggling drugs? I re-read that whole exchange like 10 times and showed it to a friend and we can't interpret it any other way lol. Plus she also said she smuggles weapons anyway??? How is drugs where you draw the line after guns and people?

After 11 hours in, the voice acting has been shockingly mediocre and sometimes genuinely bad relative to how good the story and characters have been. Doesn't matter that much because like with all VNs I skip almost all of it due to reading much faster than they talk, but in this VN's case it's even worse because there seems to be a like 0.5s delay after text appears before the associated voiced line starts. The few times I've let the lines play out during the most tense moments have been very underwhelming.

Wait if Miharu was less than a year old when she was a candidate in the previous Divine Selection, how would she even have a Regret card for the elections? Can babies regret anything lol? Maybe just be a generic "life I would have lived if I grew up" card?

Why the fuck does the Bad Ending 2 ("This is another story") ending exist? Why would Miharu ever choose to kill Rinka just because Scale spouted a few things over the phone about being honest with herself. For fuck's sake, it completely shits all over her character, she'd NEVER do that, 0/10 ending

Also why did the translator decide to use the pronoun "it" for Lethe the explicitly male cat? That stood out so weirdly.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2023
