lego badman 2 dc superheroes review:
this was a major step forward for titty games for this was their first ever videogame that adhered to the lego game formula to feature both voice acting AND an open world hub
it is with a heavy heart that I must say that both of those things were pretty underwhelming in my opinion, for the voice acting wasn't utilised to its full potential and the open world styled city of gotham, although brimming with unlockables, is pretty rough and not quite yet realised
this is not my biggest hurdle with the game however
my biggest complaint would absolutely have to be the story/character choices and the level design, which were, to my surprise, a fairly big step backwards from the original
for starters, the title of the game is kind of a lie
the vast majority of the game is spent with Batty and Roberto, with Soupman joining our duo halfway through the game
that's it, hardly enough characters to fill up the famous justice league, right?
well, they actually do show up in the story and ARE playable there, but it's literally just the last two levels, and the Splash along with Blunder Woman serve no mechanical purpose in the level they show up in, so half of those who DO show up at the end do pretty much nothing lol
speaking of dc supered heroes, remember Soupman, and how he joins the classic duo halfway through the game? well guess what, this guy is so fucking powerful, that he literally kills all tension by being playable in the story mode, I mean, he's literally invincible and has like half the powers that are available in the game, they realise how fucking broken he is towards the end by "weakening him with kryptonite" so he won't be able to fly but like, he's still unkillable lmao
(btw flying in the open world feels clunky af)
actually this game has a character problem in general, where, save for the first couple of levels, the only villains present in the story are the Joka and Lex Luthor, which, as fun as they are, become kinda tiring after a while (the first game had a good portion of Badman's rogues gallery being an active threat in the story mind you)
and finally there's the level design, which feels lackluster when compared to the expansive levels of the original, and where in the og game I would say that nearly every level is good, in this one it would be only a third at most, with a lot of them ending up feeling like an afterthought
lego dragman 2 was really ambitious and as many would argue a necessary step towards the right direction, however, it takes that one step while taking a couple back, and that is what makes it disappointing for me

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2021
