while at first this game isn't the most engaging thing in the universe, it picks up a lot during its second half and becomes a lot more compelling as it starts being apparent that this game is not going to have a happy ending
a certain someone's flashbacks were the best part of the game, illustrating their believable and chilling descent into madness, which means they turn out to be a pretty good villain as a result
considering the fact that this combat system is pretty much just recycled from 0, the gameplay happened to be somewhat tiring, Kiryu's combat was already not great in the prequel and here it's the entire goddamn game, the penultimate boss fight in particular was so bad that I was tempted to lower my rating
concerning the side content I have not done that much of it so I can't really say how good it is (shoutout to Shinohara tho, best boy) which means I might update my review in the future if I go back to do some
all and all this was a solid first attempt at this sort of crime drama, and although some kinda clumsy bits of writing hold this story back from reaching its true potential, this game is a worthwhile experience nonetheless

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2021
