slaps roof of taxi this bad boy can hold so many yumes
in all seriousness this game was goddamn impressive, a tremendous BEHEMOTH of mostly good content and I haven't even touched the surface of it
the biggest story in the franchise so far dares to get away with so many protagonists, all of whom are likeable in different ways
the gameplay is overall very solid, with only one character never really feeling quite that great
there's some absolute peak Yakuza moments to be found in this game, I have to mention that it has probably my favourite portrayal of Kiryu in the series (it's either this or 2)
having said that Saejima's part does drag the game down a bit for me, it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things as the game still manages to come out very strong but the atrocious pacing and just generally not having a very interesting story to its name make Saejima's chapters hard to be excited about
well that and I think the finale could have maybe felt a bit better
but in the end, this is indeed a great Yakuza game, one of the best

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2022
