Little Nightmares 2 is a very artistic game that doesn't bother to explain himself which is what I love so much about it (and by extension the first game). There are no clear answers to anything, but you can get a grasp of what's going on fairly easily and by the end of the game things begin to click and start to make sense which is super satisfying.

The gameplay is a mix between puzzle platforming and beating things to death with whatever the game gives you (usually an axe). The puzzles are really fun and (usually) clever, introducing new mechanics to mess around with for a section only to ditch them when the next section comes around. Every puzzle uses the environment as it's foundation and nothing feels out of place which I love and wish more games done. The combat however is sluggish and mostly annoying. You can't cancel attacks and it takes a long time between pressing the attack button and having the attack finish so what does happen sometimes is that you go to attack something but then hit the attack button at the wrong time so you die which is annoying.

The game itself isn't that scary with occasional moments that made me jump, which is perfectly fine because it's not going for a scare the player shitless approach. It's more interested in making an eerie and fascinating environment which it does phenomenally. However it does have a few bugs, nothing game breaking but just annoying things that can take you out of the experience a bit and can make you laugh (which isn't what you want from a horror game, unless it is which in that case more power to you)

Overall this game is a delight that shows it's players that this medium can be used to tell an interesting and twisted story that doesn't use a single word (except for "HEY" but that doesn't count)

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

i don't remember the game giving you an axe, did i miss something?? i only remember hammers