There are very few single player games that I can drop and instantly get back into when I begin to play it again, but every time I picked back up Red Dead Redemption 2 I was instantly hooked back in.

The gameplay is your average rockstar experience. Go to this place to meet this character, go with them to a specific place, shoot some guys, go back. While that's not every mission most missions go like that. While it is fun to do the missions that follow that formula it does get tiring after a while, which is a bit disappointing because I believe that GTA V somewhat fixed the formula with the variety of things you're doing mission by mission (however it's probably would be harder to design missions in a setting like Red Dead's than GTA Vs so I get it). Most of the memorable missions are genuinely the best rockstar has ever done, especially the end of chapter missions. Those are quite frankly some of the best missions I've ever played. This is because of the story.

The story carries the game as hard as atlus carrying the earth.

Red Dead Redemptions 2 story is one of the best I've ever played in a video game. While it doesn't have subtext through the mechanics (which is something I devour in games) the writing of it is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. I genuinely was so invested in the story that EVERY. SINGLE. PLOT. TWIST. LANDED. If this is the last game written by Dan Houser and Michael Unsworth then god damn, what a way to go out.

The writing of the games characters is amazing (In line with every rockstar game). Most of them are memorable and there hasn't been any other game that makes my jaw drop every time a side character dies.

The Visuals are nice, they still look good and realistic 5 years later. I don't know what else to say about it.

Also you can pet the dog, which is nice.

TLDR: Read Dead Redemption 2 feels like the last hoorah for Rockstar Games. With two of the three writers leaving the studio and the core gameplay design likely being overhauled for GTA VI it really feels like the end of the line for the current era of rockstar games, but damn it goes out with a bang.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
