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You know those Scratch games people make where they convert other games into 2D platformers? Well this game feels like a really good one of them.

The gameplay is basically a regular 2D Mario game with a paper Mario flair to it. You use partners for different abilities, items can heal you and damage enemies if you do the minigames attached to them and you can rack up combos by jumping on enemies heads. It's fun to play but it's not as interesting as other platformers like Celeste or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. The only thing that carries the average and at times annoying level design is the locations and characters. Every world is a unique place with different memorable characters. It's the writing of these worlds and overall and how the characters act and behave that save this game from being mediocre.

The story is good as well. It's not like god tier storytelling or anything but the writing is fun and makes you care for the characters. I love the ending and how it all culminates together in this big finale where everyone is involved. It's not as funny as the other Paper Mario games but it is charming.

Flipside goes so hard. I am an absolute sucker for games with a expansive hubworld set in a small town (very specific, I know) and flipside doesn't disappoint. It feels like everywhere you go there's people to talk to or secrets to find and it's all do fun to explore and see what's there. Also finding flopside was probably one of the coolest moments I've had exploring a hubworld, period. Definitely a highlight from the game, I wish the newer Paper Mario games brought back the style of hubworld from Super Paper Mario and TTYD.

I fucking hate the sound that plays when you're near death though. The ERER ERER sound. Whenever I hear it I want to pick up my Wiimote and aggressively slam it against the TV. I can't fucking stand it it's so annoying AHHHHHHNHHHHHHH.

Music is good as well, it's not as good as Origami King's soundtrack but I like it a lot. Especially the final boss theme.

Overall, Super Paper Mario is an average platformer carried by the elements it takes from the Paper Mario series. Imagine if this game was made after Miyamoto went all "PAPER MARIO NEEDS TO BE GENERIC". People would despise it so much.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
