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I am a sucker for 3D platformers. I adore them, eat them up, and Sackboy: A Big Adventure feels like a combination of all the last 14 years of platformers crammed into one game.

This game looks beautiful. When I originally got it on PS4 it blew my mind how real it looked (I got it alongside Doom Eternal so it should’ve been the other way around but somehow it wasn’t lol). The locations look beautiful and while the art direction is nothing that noteworthy unlike the original Little Big Planet trilogy it’s still pretty. They were going for a different thing compared to the original games and I’d say it works.

The controls feel great, I genuinely don't understand where people are coming from when they say they're bad. Sackboy controls perfectly and it's fun to just fuck around with his move set.

The customisation for him is also very expansive which is in line with the rest of the little big planet games. I made some of the coolest outfits I've seen in a game, alongside some outfits that would violate the Geneva convention because they look so bad (gotta keep my childhood tradition of making awful outfits alive). Having Zoom Zooms come back was also dope, overall customisation is standard with the rest of the franchise, which means it's great.

The level design is good as well. There's no time where I felt it was unfair or bullshit but also no real draw dropping levels. The music levels were dope though. The abilities you get are fine, but honestly they're nothing special. Special stages were decent though and I liked the Knitted Knight trials, they were cleverly designed (especially the one where you have to run away from the finish line) and were challenging to beat.

They gave Sackboy a voice for some reason, I don't know why. I preferred in the previous games when he was speechless and it would be cheaper to just have him be voiceless but no. Did you know in the credits there's like 4 people voicing him? I suppose that's one for each player but I don't know. I'm not complaining, I just think it's an odd change.

The multiplayer in this game is AHHHHHHNHHHHHHH- I mean it's entertaining. This game is targeted towards kids so obviously online would be filled with them but playing online was pretty funny. I was in a full lobby trying to do this one level when some 7 year old kept on griefing me and another one kept dropping the thing needed to progress. I was just rage laughing? (I guess that's the term, I mean laughing because of how everything's going wrong, that's what I'm trying to describe, idk if there's a word for it). Overall you can’t really complain about the online for being as it is, kids will be kids and that’s a good thing.

Overall this game is actually great. I enjoyed it a lot and would definitely consider getting the platinum for it. I don’t get why people hate this game, sure it’s not a Little Big Planet game but it’s not trying to be one, instead it’s just trying to be a competent 3D platformer which it succeeds massively at.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
