Left 4 Dead is - in my opinion, one of the best examples of Valve's ingenuity when it comes to game design. They really could have been a less kid-friendly Nintendo if they wanted to. In a time where so many FPS'es were gritty, realistic and built around PVP multiplayer and story-driven campaigns, along comes a game like Left 4 Dead to subvert your every expectation.

Left 4 Dead is simultaneously a silly, arcadey shooter with charming, quotable characters and also an incredibly tense, nailbiting fight for survival. The "AI Director", the game's AI that chooses when to spawn in hordes of zombies and when to spawn in special infected does so much legwork for fuelling the sense of dread the game is able to instil in the player, even when they're replaying the same campaign for the 100th time.

If you stay in one place too long, the AI Director spawns in hordes and special infected to punish you and encourage you to get moving. It does the same thing if you're progressing too quickly and vice versa, if you're really struggling early on in a map - it lets off a little and eases the breaks to give you a breather. It's such a genius little system and the knowledge that this AI Director exists, the feeling that you're being watched by something, or someone at all times is really pretty daunting.

Left 4 Dead's atmosphere is helped a great deal by its sound design. The noises that the terrifying Witch makes, the Tank's theme song that often comes blaring in out of nowhere - alarming the whole party, and the Horde theme are all near-iconic at this rate. Even those who haven't played the game can likely recognise them from having heard L4D players talk about their 1st Witch encounter and the time their friend accidentally triggered a car alarm or something. Each of the game's uniquely dangerous special infected have their own musical sting that plays when there's one nearby. You can tell a Hunter is stalking you just for listening out for that creepy little piano riff. Valve put in so many little pieces of design like this in the game that they didn't need to, just to give it that identity. To make it so much more memorable.

A ton of great and very intelligent design choices come together in Left 4 Dead to make it endlessly replayable. This is a game that is more than the sum of its parts. There's no iron sights on the guns, and the moment-to-moment gameplay is incredibly simplistic with little depth, and yet the AI Director makes every playthrough of the game's relatively small number of maps feel markedly different, and all the little touches give it an unrivalled atmosphere that I don't even think its sequel could match.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2021
